Every piece tells its own story.

I’m continually on the hunt for the unique and hand-crafted. Modern mixed with vintage. New with old.. I love things that don’t match yet somehow go together, pieces that spur deeper engagement.

The foundation of all every piece is craft, ease of use, beauty and comfort. Pieces made thoughtfully with care and detail. By artisans. Wood, leather, pottery: Honest real materials, worn, well-loved, with a patina of history.

I maintain an ever-changing stock of thought provoking and well crafted new and vintage home goods, furniture pieces, and an array of hand crafted, sustainably sourced gifts and cards, oracle decks, and one-of-a-kind art pieces.

About Me

“The Maverick Soul seeks to learn from actual experience, to stand on the edge, to feel the wind around them, often to fail, but always to persevere with the understanding that on occasion life might deal one a hand and this is an opportune time for personal growth. These people make decisions based on trusting intuition. -The Maverick Soul, Liv Watts

For many years, being a theatre actor and director defined me. Creating living stories to move an audience to laughter and to tears, to inspire and delight, stimulating the imagination through words, imagery, sound, light, color. Creating worlds in.a black box. It was magical. But as Miv says in her book Maverick Souls, sometimes one is dealt a hand and growth follows.

I needed a new creative journey for myself, and that led me first to expressing myself within my own home, then in others’ homes, and then in a brick-and-mortar shop. What better way to express oneself than through the spaces we inhabit? After all Home really is the place where one is most oneself. Within that safe space we express the stories or who we are, our values, hopes, musings. It’s where we let down our guard and let in those we love. It’s a place for ideas and experimentation.

I wish to live in curiosity and alchemy, and I believe many others desire the same. I wanted to create a space for all those who live in curiosity and imagination, who don’t fit any mold and feel a bit of an odd-body. eclectic maverick soul, So that is how Narrative Home came to be. It’s a studio of ideas and experimentation, and of discovery, allowing a space to express the inside of me on the outside. A shop meant to spark inspiration, ideas and delight. A place to find the perfect treasure for your home, or unique gift or piece of art. A place where intuitive guidance is available, for your home and for yourself.

At heart, Narrative Home is the expression of what I believe every home could be and really should be: the place where you can be most yourself.